

Ad Code


§  When you receive a mail that your bank has approved loan for you that you did not apply for, it is most likely a 419.

§  When you received a mail that your account has been deactivated and request you to supply your bank information, it is most likely a 419.

§  When you receive a phone call that your friend relation is involved an accident and request you send recharge card, it is most likely a 419 scam.

§  When you receive a phone call that require you to participate in a business venture or contract from source you don’t know ignore, it is most likely 419.

§  Whenever you receive mails that your bank account is under threat either you ignore it or visit the bank personally to confirm it as it may be 419.

§  When you receive a mail asking you to help a government official or a member of wealthy family or a politician to help retrieve a large sum of money it is 419.

§  Whenever you receive a card in your e-mail from anybody ignore it, as it might be an attempt to steal your information by 419.

§  Whenever you receive a mail that you have won lottery you never played, ignore it as it is 419.

§  Whenever you receive any mail on how to make quick money, it is most likely 419.

§  Whenever you receiver a mail promising you jobs or plans you will get rich quickly and free money from government source, it is most likely 419.

§  Whenever you receive this, “Dear customer, due to our system upgrade or lack of BVN your ATM has been deactivated, to re-activate kindly call our customer care Mr. John Edward on: 08030812 and 070671346 thank you”, it is 419.


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