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In the early 1980s, the Man of God T.L Osborn visited the church of Achbishop Benson Idahosa

In the early 1980s, the Man of God T.L Osborn visited the church of Achbishop Benson Idahosa, after the program, T.L Osborn needed an urgent flight back to U.S.A.
when they arrived at the air port, Idahosa pleaded with the passengers for somebody to surrender his flight for T.L Osborn to catch up with his imidiate trip. Nobody opted. Dangote was there. By that time he was just a local average business man. He humbly surrendered his flight for T.L Osborn and came out. Achbishop Idahosa asked him, "what do you do for a living." he said i am just a business man. Then Achbishop Idahosa Prophesied, "Just as the sun never stop shining and as the rivers never flow behind. I multiply the increase of your business, riches will embarrass you." these words were spoken longtime and years ago, and today Dangote is among the richest people in the world because of the Words From God Almighty Prophet Achbishop Benson Idahosa.
In 1983 Bishop David Oyedepoh took some seed offering and sowed seed to Achbishop Benson Idahosa.Then Achbishop Idahosa said, "Let the channels of your river be widden forever, as the rain falls and never go up, that's how you will see riches from all corners." today Bishop Oyedepoh is currently the richest Pastor in the World.
My dear brethren never joke with the words of a Prophet. The words of a true Prophet never falls on the ground. When ever you go close to a Prophet or your Father in the Lord, don't ask for material things ask for words, don't leave him until he speaks, provock him to speak... Today As A Prophet, Servant And Oracle From The Most High God Almighty Of Host; I speak into your life, receive the grace to excel In Jesus Christ of Nazareth Name.
I Prophesy, Receive Grace to Prosper in life of your business career, marital/relationship's aspects, educational status and financial substances By The Divine Power Of The Holy Ghost In Agreement With The Speaking Power In The Divine Blood Of The Lamb. In the Next 7 months from now, The Whole World will Hear of your Financial Breakthrough In The Almighty Name Of Jesus Christ Of Nazareth

Please remember Dangote gave up his comfortable seat for T.L Osborn And Bishop Oyedepoh Sow A seed Offering To Achbishop Idahosa; But in your own case at this moment all you are asked to do is to burn some Little amount of your Data to SHARE and spread this message and Prophetic Declaration throughout the nation's of the World, and see what JEHOVAH YAWEH Is going to do on your behalf In Jesus Christ Almighty Nazareth Name Amen

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