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South East demand for Restructuring of the Federation…… Read this Motion moved by Igbo Leaders.

1. We the Ohaneze Ndigbo demand a new truly Federal Constitution of Nigeria
2. That Nigeria should remain a federation with the current 6 geopolitical zones. That sharing formulae shall be on the equal basis to the 6 geopolitical zones and no longer to states
3. That each zone should be made to have equal number of states. Therefore, South East Geopolitical Zone demands creation of Additional States
4. That the federal and state governments should operate a single 6 years term of leadership.
5. That there should be 5 Vice Presidents, each from the 5 geopolitical zones of the nation, excluding the zone that produced the president. That the offices of the vice presidents, each should be made to oversee the affairs of each of the 5 Armed Forces units.
6. That the people of Ohaneze demand the creation of regional and state police forces, and the powers to appoint their Chiefs or control them shall be vested on an independent constituted body
7. That each region of state should be allowed to control the natural resources in their region of states for even development.
8. That local government structure should be scraped and obliterated from the constitution
9. Citizenship: That anybody who has lived in a particular state, and paid tax to the government of that state for a period of 10 years should be accorded with every right accruing to the bona-fide indigenes of the state, both political rights, excluding the rights to traditional stool of the communities in the state.
10. That Nigeria be restructured before the 2019 general elections

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