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This Governor left His Wife And Children With Fear

Nairobi governor Mike Sonko with his wife and children
Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko's wife has expressed fears over her runaway husband whom she says has not been coming home for close to a week. 

She has revealed that the last time her husband was home for the family was on Friday, 18 May leaving them in fear given their day and night security had been withdrawn.
Primrose Sonko in an interview with K24 expressed fears over the safety of her children and that of her husband following a government directive that saw a majority of the governor's security detail recalled.
“Since Friday, sijaona my husband, Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko. He has not been around in his Nairobi home because of the security, he fears for his life,” she said. 
The new reality before the wealthy family staying at Nyari Estate is that of only hearing from their father who has reportedlly moved to run the county affairs from their local home in Machakos.
She disclosed that they were only sleeping alone puzzled of what would happen to them in the absence of the governor and security as had been the case before.
"Security has been withdrawn; both for night and day. All have been taken away including his bodyguards. We are living in fear; especially the children who are not used to this kind of life,”  claimed the governor's wife.
Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi recently initiated a move to cut down top government official's security personnel and had openly dressed down the complaining Nairobi governor, saying the government could not hand him an entire police station.
The CS defended the government's move to reduce the governor's bodyguards saying politicians do not deserve the 26 officers that had been attached to the governor.

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