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*_It is high time in our today's contemporal society, that political cum leadership power should return to the youths who have the required physical energy, psychological vibrancy, mental capacity, and wherewithal to drive purposeful leadership_*
Those where the exact words of *Comrade Chukwuebuka Bonaventure Okeke CBO, Bsc, Msc, MTL, CMILT*
*"The GOODOMEN"* who is one of the strongest front line aspirants for Anaocha constituency ll Anambra state House of Assembly.
The *NRI KINGDOM BORN* political Jagaban / entrepreneur made the statement today in Awka, at the Dr Alex Ekwueme square during the celebration of NATIONAL YOUTH DAY.
In an interview,
he stressed that :
Leadership according to Myles Munroe is the ability to lead by inspiring and influencing others to follow or toe the path of your formed opinion..
He further stated that
*A leader is a person whose personality depicts humility and accessibility.*
*_Asked why he insisted on the concept of returning political leadership back to the Youths????_*
He responded by saying:
*I believe it is only through such arrangement and mechanism that purposeful leadership be enthroned*
He described Purposeful Leadership as the ability to inspire others to fulfill certain laid out Objectives...
It is the capacity to influence, inspire, rally round the people, direct, encourage, motivate, move, and activate others to pursue a common goal or purpose while maintaining commitment, momentum, confidence, and courage"
Comrade Chukwuebuka Bonaventure Okeke GOODOMEN who thanked His Excellency GOVERNOR WILLIE OBIANO AKPOKUEDIKE ANAMBRA and many other top government officers for gracing the occasion, also used the same medium to facilitate with Ndi Anambra youths withing the State and beyond for a successful National Youth day Celebration.
The young aspirant who equally used the occasion to call on all youths to take up their destinies by their hands and take up leadership responsibility withing the party structure and other spheres of the society, charged the youths to refuse being used as political thugs by old greedy politicians to ferment electoral violence.
He reminded the youths the benefits of purposeful leadership, stressing that;
*as a leader in what ever level, one thing you must learn that will make the people follow you willingly is HUMILITY and ACCESSIBILITY. Good leaders employ others, but a great leader deploy himself and others*
*Moving over to Anaocha politics*
Comrade Chukwuebuka Bonaventure Okeke who expressed satisfaction with the level of impact the *#Not too Young To Run Bill* has created in our today's politics, emphasized that his mission in the *ANAMBRA STATE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY*
*if elected to is to rig ANAOCHA CONSTITUENCY ll out of backwardness, unproductive and unperforming quagmire we were plunged into by the failed rulership of the visionless, and self centered individuals*
_*Asked what is his reaction over the rumour making rounds by certain party stake holders that party tickets of some constituencies has been sold, or was reserved as compensation to Certain aspirants....????*_
The Comrade responded by Saying :
*"When a man who has been favoured by the gods now sees himself as a god, the gods will not want him to drag position with them, for they shall truly bring him down".*
like you said,
it is a mere rumour, and an average politician does not work with rumour but facts.
However, our great party APGA will be setting a wrong precedence which will certainly rock the party should there be any atom of truth in the said rumour.
He called on the party leadership at all levels,
key decision makers and stake holders of our great party APGA to harmonize and perfect a free, fair, and credible primaries which will afford all aspirants a level playing ground , to too many litigations .
_*Confronted with what his position will be should the party fail to live upto expectation by favouring certain preferd candidates?????*_
He has this to say ;
*When you are a true democratic leader, humility comes to you as a default setting. But when you see leadership in the lights of Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato "WHO SEE LEADERSHIP AS THE BIRTH RIGHT OF A SELECTED FEW , AND OTHERS ARE MERE FOLLOWERS who HAVE LITTLE or NOTHING TO SAY IN DECISION MAKING , THEN ABUSE OF THAT PRIVILEGE to LEAD BECOMES UNVIABLE."*
_*Speaking further, He said*_
"I don't think that the party leadership will be naive enough to reduce the image and integrity of our great party APGA to such dehumanizing public ridicule by doing such rub Peter to pay Paul. But If they eventually do, then they have succeeded in killing the
He further emphasized that even the bible and the constitution federal republic of Nigeria provided for the principles of democracy, social Justice, equity and fairness. Saying that any attempt to rub aspirants of the above listed Principles will definitely hit baldly on the party.
_*finally when pushed further to comment "if he may consider defection if the party Primaries becomes a clear shamble"?????*?_
His replies :
*"Defection???? No no no no that is not on our table at the moment. IAM A STRONG APGA FAITHFUL, and a core believer of APGA philosophies.*
However i will not fail to point out that any manipulation what so ever to short change the aspirants in Favour of certain anointed candidates will definitely lead to Many seeking Political shelter some where else*.
*HON GUC UDOGADI JR Director Social Media Publicity*

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