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Nwuye Oga bu Oga

The best posthumous accolade APGA and Ndi Anambra South will give to the late War General Dim Chukwuemeka Ojukwu is send Bianca Odumegwu Ojukwu to Senate...


She won't defect to another party._

 Her going to the Senate will further promote APGA ideology and acceptance of Igbo Nation by other states of the country._

As the wife of our party supreme leader, she will be our party leader in the Senate._

To Ndi Anambra South:*

 She will be the voice that has been missing in the senate for years._

 As a wife of a War General she has conquered fear thus very Bold in championing the course of emancipation of our people

 As a legal professional the act of law making is at her fingertips._

_> As a former Ambassador of Nigeria to Spain, she can't be swallowed by the heated arguments in the floor of the Senate._

_> And as a Mother, She will understand the plight of her children(her constituents) and will be humane in listening to their problems to solve them._

*Ndi Anambra South your decision is resolute and your support is final...*

*Iyom Bianca Ojukwu remains our choice...!*


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