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Sins Of My Parents – Episode 1

 April 14, 2018  Sins Of My Parents

Rachael looks at her phone once again. It was the hundredth time she was checking time. she glanced at the empty pillow next to her. “Where are you this time of the night Joe? ” she whispered in the silence of the dark room. Her husband had not returned since he told her he was going to visit some friends. That was around 16 hours and now it was 01 am her husband was no where to be seen.
She recalled the moments they spent together before they married, he was so loving and caring. He was always taking her out for dinner, some movies as well as taking walks around the township. she knew from the way he respected her and talked to her on phone most of the time that he was going to love her and be there for her always.
But now here she was a year in her marriage and he had started coming late home. she shed a tear, ” It’s not fair Joe that you treat me this way.”
She slowly sat up from the bed careful not to hurt her baby in her womb, she was heavily pregnant with only weeks towards her due date. She went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, poured some cold water in a glass cup and walked to the living room with one hand holding her belly.
As she sat down she felt her baby kick and she let a smile. “what is it my Angel?” she whispered, “did I woke you too? Am sorry my baby. I know you can feel my sadness. I wish your father was always here for us, but he has chosen another kind of life that leaves the two of us out of his life.” she wipped a tear forming in her eyes when she heard the door open.
Looking at the wall click, it was almost 03 am. her husband walked in with a bottle of beer. He looked at Rachael sitted on the dinning chair and shouted, “what are you doing up this time woman?, you don’t know where the bedroom is?” She looked at him and shook her head.” so you come this time and instead of asking how I am or your child, all you do is talk nonsense? I can’t understand you anymore Joe. what has gotten over you these past months?” she scolded him as he threw himself on the couch.. ” please spare me this morning with your nagging am so tired I want to sleep.” closing his eyes he instantly fall asleep.
Rachael looked at him, his shirt was stained with lipstick. even his right chick had a mark of red lipstick. she felt a grip of pain in her chest and swallowed hard, with the energy she had remaining in her, she lifted herself to bed and lay down to sleep. “help me sleep God” she prayed silently as she wished she would just drown in sleep and feel the inner peace that she had not felt in a long time.
She was almost failing asleep when the loud ringing phone from the living room brought her eyes wide open again. she ignored it two more times and when it rang the 4th time she walked to the living room and found her husband still snoring. she grabbed the phone from his shirt pocket and looked at the still ringing phone. ” helo !” she answered after sliding it open. It was quite for some seconds. “helo who is this?” She asked.
” helo ” a feminine voice answered. “I want to talk to Joe” she responded.
” oh sorry he’s sleeping ” Rachael told the caller. “but I can deliver the message when he wakes up. what should I tell him? ”
The voice on the other side sighed before adding, ” oh just tell him I had a Great time last night and that I love him so much. I cannot wait for tomoro. ”
” what?” Rachael asked her heart racing. “who are you? ”
The lady on the other side let a laugh and shouted.” am supposed to ask you that, are you his Secretary? ”
Now Rachael was slowly pulling the chair and sitting down.she could not talk or say any more. she cut the line and silently walked back to the bed room after composing her self.
she knew her husband was cheating but for the other woman to mock her, it was too much to handle.
She felt a sharp pain in her stomac and later on her water broke. ” oh my God not now please” she cried. her Labour had started even when she still had some time before her due date.
struggling , she walked back to wake her husband but all to no avail. he just turned looked at her and fall back asleep. she screamed to wake him so that he could help her go to the hospital but all efforts failed..
Struggling, she called her friend who lived two blocks away from her house. “please Monica come and drive me to the hospital. I can’t drive and my husband is fast asleep he cannot woke up cause he is drunk”. She begged crying as she hekd her belly in pain.
“Take it easy Rachael” her friend told her. “am coming there ASAP”
“thank you Monica” she whispered ” God will bless you”
She slowly packed her bag with baby things and Walked out. Her friend drove in 5 minutes later and she went to lay in the back seat as they drove to Livingstone General hospital.
After hours of Labour, she successfully gave birth to a baby boy at exactly 10 30 in the morning. she looked at him and smilled, ” thank you Jesus” she said holding him close to herself.
Monica who had stayed with her all this time had called Joe letting him know his wife was in Labour, but he didn’t show up..
She looked at Rachael who’s eyes were fixed on her baby and felt pity for her. her friend had changed a lot since she got married. she was always cheerful and in high spirits, but now she was all quite and thoughtful. Though she never said much about her marriage, Monica knew her friend was going through a rough time..
” Hey Rachael how are you feeling now?” she asked moving closer to the bed. Rachael smilled.. “I feel better though the doctor insists I stay here for a while so they observe me, they say I have lost a lot of blood.
“you going to be fine” Monica assured her, “the baby looks healthy we thank God..”
“Did you call your husband again?” Monica asked Rachael.. “no Monica.. what for ? If he is not here by now it means he is not interested. let him be, my friend he will come when he feels like it. I don’t want to spoil this moment with thoughts of Joe so please if we can stop talking about him” she said holding her wrapped baby closer..
” sure ” Monica nodded.” what ever you say, let me just get you something to eat before I go home. I need to check on the kids.”
“thank you so much” Rachael smiled. “what could I have done without you? ” .
” Don’t mention it ” Monica rubbed her hand. ” we are like sisters, we have been together since high school remember?”
” Yeah ” she let a smile, ” thank you anyways” she added
She sat upright in the hospital bed as she lay the baby down, recalling how she met her husband..
To be continued…

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