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Sins Of My Parents – Episode 3

April 15, 2018  Sins Of My Parents

Joe walked around the house.He had no idea what to do with his baby wailing.. he tried lifting him and calming him down but all to no avail.. he slowly lifted the baby and a letter addressed to Nathan fall off, Nathan was the name he and his wife Rachael had planned to name their child when they were told they were having a baby boy months before. He couldn’t pay attention to the letter because Nathan was still crying. He placed the note in the chest drawer. Just then his phone rang. he checked the caller it was Jessy .
sliding the phone with one hand and held it by the neck as he tried to calm the baby..
” helo ” he responded
“what’s happening?” Jessy shouted on the other side. “what’s with the baby crying? Can’t you give it back to the mother? ”
“Oh Jessy ” Joe sighed..” you have no idea what is happening..my wife left leaving this new baby with me and now I have no idea what to do with it. He won’t stop crying.” he explained..
Jessy let a laugh,” you are joking right?” She asked, “am serious Babe I really don’t know what to do”
After the conversation, that was the last Joe had heard from Jessy. She ignored his calls later on. She even chased him out of the flat , the next time he went to see her.
“Am not going to be part of your baby drama ” she had told him.
he struggled and managed to buy the baby milk and hired a nanny to help take care of Nathan. his mother was ill at that time so she could not help him care for the child..
As months passed by Joe had put himself together and decided to be there for his child. Even when he drunk beer, it was at home. he was there when Nathan started crawing, when he took his first steps until the time he was 3 years old.
Joe’s effort to find Rachael and ask her to come back home failed, he tried to contact her relatives but it seemed no one really knew where she had gone. day and night Joe wished he had acted differently and had put his mind to his marriage. The only comfort he remained with was the smile of his fast growing son. Nathan was growing with so much energy and full of healthy. Joe’s parents and friends adviced him to marry again. but he told them he wasn’t ready yet..
Mean while months after Rachael left her son and husband. she refused all her mother’s advice to go back and mend her home.” it’s God who changes pipo my dota” her mother had told her.” if you trully loved your husband and child,you could have looked past your hurt and trusted God to help you. running away isn’t a solution her mother councilled her”. but all to no avail.
She never went back to her home and with time she was almost forgetting her husband. Especially after she left the country and went to work in south Africa with an NGO she was now working for.. even though Rachael created this cloud to cover her past and live normally like a single woman, deep down her heart she missed and longed to be with her husband and child. however she was determined to forge ahead and not to look back wards..
She was lost in thoughts and didn’t realise her boss was standing in front of her well curved wooden office table talking to her.. “am sorry Sir” she apologised when he screamed her name. “Rachael!” He called her.. “did you even get a word of what I said?” He asked with a look of concern.
Mr Thabo was Racheal’s boss. he was a slim and tall guy with the skin that had a smooth brown tone like that of honey .He had set his eyes on Rachael since the first time she joined the company from Zambia and he knew from what her papers said that she was single. he couldn’t stop wondering how a beautiful lady was still single at 30. She was good looking and intelligent too. he had invited her a couple of times for dinner but she seemed not so interested in him..
Thabo was not however willing to give up. He vowed to crack the wall that Rachael had built around her and win her heart.
so here he was looking at her silently lost in thoughts. he had called her twice but she didn’t move an inch..
“Oh am so Sorry Thabo ” she stood up.” I was just”
” yeah I noticed ” Thabo cut her sentence.
“I was asking if you are knocking off any time soon. am heading out and I can drop you off if you don’t mind, I mean since your car is still at the garage” he added
Rachael smiled at him. ” thank you, you are so kind.” Thabo moved closer to her and held her hand. “you know I like you am just waiting for the time you will give me a chance and let me in your heart.”
Racheal sighed.. “am sorry Thabo I don’t think am ready for any man right now she told him. we can just be friends nothing more.”
Thabo felt a grip of disapointment but decided to play it cool. “sure he said letting her hand free. let me know when you are done I will be in my office” he told her as he walked out of her office.
Rachael watched him disappear in the passage. She shook her head and sighed.. recalling the great times with Joe. she felt pain in her heart and as the tears started forming she quickly placed a small piece of tissue under her eyes and wipped the tears before they could fall. “am done crying for you Joe” she whispered to herself,adding a little makeup on her face she stood up head high and walked with confidence to Thabo’s office with a grey handbag which matched her grey skirt hanging on her left hand..
“Am ready!” she announced as she opened Thabo’s office.
” okay” he responded picking up the car keys and briefcase. “let’s go then”
Upon reaching her home Rachael had invited Thabo in. “what can i offer you she asked as she motioned him to sit on her cream white couch.” Thabo took in the clean and nicely arranged room, he turned on the flat screen TV mounted on the wall as he waited for her.. She had disappeared to another room.
Rachael came back with a glass of water as he had requested and handed it to him. she sat down opposit where he sat and they chatted.
All the time as Thabo talked and explained about his life, Rachael nodded and smiled. She had said nothing about her past life all she had talked about was her work life in Zambia and also her family. Thabo had no idea that the woman before him had abandoned her marriage and a new born baby..
What had started as a mare friendship.. had developed into intimate relationship over the months.. Thabo proposed to Rachael and they married a year later.
Rachael didn’t expect much from Thabo.. infact she accepted to marry him just to somehow get rid of all the pain she still hard from her previous marriage. however, Thabo was not as she thought he would turn out to be. He was a wonderful and caring husband, he didn’t change as Rachael anticipated he would.. he genuinely loved her and was patient even when his wife showed little interest in their marriage..
Years passed and somehow Rachael slowly started falling in love with Thabo. . She woke up one night and found him praying..
“Lord please let my wife open up and love me. I dont know what has caused this wall around her but I trust you can brake it and give her back her peace and freedom”
Rachael watched him as he prayed. she felt guilty. All she had done is give the man who genuinely loved her a hard time. From that day she decided to forget about Joe and live happily with the man before her..
She knelt close to him and he looked at her when he opened his eyes. ” I love you” she had whispered ” and am sorry I have not been a good wife to you. I promise to be a wife you deserve.”
Thabo hugged his wife with joy that was the begining of their happy marriage.
To be continued…

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