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My people my people, the solidarity you all have shown towards my candidacy, as the flagbearer of Social Democratic Party, SDP, to represent Awka North and South at the green chamber, is so tremendous, to say the least.

_Your public show of sympathy to what the people have come to tag as political marginalisation of Awka North, has truly energesied me and emboldened me to accept the fact that there are still right thinking people out there._

_You are all witness to how I was unfairly treated during the APGA primaries that was held at Awka South LG Headquarters. How the party stakeholders watch as our democratic tenets was trampled upon before our very eyes. How some cabals who would want to keep Awka North in perpetual political darkness hijacked the process and impose their 'person' without considering the People's choice. In the glaring eyes of the public, the delegate list was doctored and real delegates at some point were replaced by foreign faces. That was how low APGA went and that was the stroke that broke the camel's back._

_They tried to persuade us to join the bandwagon but how can I support illegality, how do I start supporting a mandate that do not have the blessing of the real delegates or the electorates?_

_For close to two decades, I have been dedicated and loyalty to APGA, and this is  how to choosed to pay me back._

_I couldn't wait to see this injustice stand, this inequality, this disparity where only one part of the two LGA's takes a chunk of Legislative role since the inception in 1999._

_I have helped to build the APGA party, to maintain and sustain it close to two decade. My mandate was stolen in 2015 by the same man who used the same criminal tendencies that he is known for, to manoeuvre his way as APGA flagbearer._

_In my search to correct this and many more anomalies, I left APGA and find a more better platform in SDP._

_Today, I am overwhelmed by your resounding support, most expecially from our brothers in Awka South._

_*From Awka to Amawbia, from Achalla to Ebenebe, from Mbaukwu to Nise, from Mgbakwu down to Isuaniocha, from Nibo across to Umuawulu, from Amansea to Amanuke, from Okpuno to Isiagu, from Ugbenu to Igbene and up to Awba Ofemili, Ezinato to Amanuke and up to urum; i can't thank you enough. We did it 2015, we will do it again in 2019.*_

_We must take this gospel of hope to our people._

_*My people...My people, I do make an unbreakable pledge to you all that you shall realize your aspirations of good bills, motions and democracy dividends through my representation.*_

_I urge and charge you all, the student bodies, the youth groups, Women Groups, our fathers, and our Supporters, to take our message of quality representation and equity to all nook and cranny of Awka North and South Federal Constituency._

_I will represent and serve. The fortune of Awka North and South must change for good._

_I am confident, through your support, what is deserving of us will never elude us again._

_*We shall win this battle by His Grace*_

_Thank you and God bless you all._

*Chief Hon. Goody Ezenagu (Ochendo)*
_SDP Candidate For Federal House of Rep_
_*Awka North and South Federal Constituency*

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