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A priest wrote this:

I have some questions for you:

As a Catholic priest, would you in conscience vote for a leader who stood and watched as your brother priest was murdered in cold blood while celebrating mass and no one went to jail?

As a Catholic priest, would you in conscience vote for a leader who stood and watched as Catholics who pay your bills - yes, whether they are in Middle belt or Jos, priests depend on their offerings - were slaughtered right inside the Church and no one was arrested?

As a Christian, would you in conscience vote for a leader who stood and watched as Boko Haram released all girls they kidnapped but the only Christian girl, Leah and nothing is said about it?

Remember, the first duty of a president is to protect the lives and properties of ALL CITIZENS not of SOME CITIZENS. If he did not protect these Christians yesterday, will he  protect you tomorrow?

Without life, how can you move to the next level?

Vote wisely.

- Fr. Godswill Agbagwa

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