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As political campaigns across the country is gradually reaching its crescendos, many politicians and political office holders, are desperately making false claims at various political gatherings, just to remain relevant and win their reelection bid.

We wish to bring to the notice of the general public, one of such office holder, who is the current federal house member representing Awka North and South, a position he occupied in 2015 under fake result and Federal might.

We wish to state categorically that Anayo Nnebe recent vituperation about having initiated several projects are false and we wish to debunk that so that people will know the kind of legislator they are dealing with.

Anayo Nnebe has recently falsely lied to the people of Achalla and other Communities. In order to desperately win their votes, he claimed to be the one constructing the Nwakama road in Achalla. But from sources, the so called road which has remained a death trap was initiated by Emmanuel Nwakama

Another of such notorious claims, is stating that the borehole at Aniocha Udezu, Achalla, towards Nwakama road was built by him. The video has been made available where he made such statements and we are ready to release it If he attempts to refute that.

It may interest ndi Awka North and South to know that the said borehole was initiated and completed by the Peter Obi's administration, Anayo Nnebe input in that was to fix it when it was damaged.

Hon Anayo Nnebe also lay claim to most class rooms in secondary and primary schools as his constituency projects. Unknown to him, the people are very much aware of MDG and world bank assisted projects in all states in the federation. For the last three years Nnebe has been going around claiming all MDGs and world  bank assited projects in Awka North & South as his constituency projects. Those lies can no longer hold.

These and many more lies are what Anayo Nnebe (Ichele Awka ) is going about telling the gullible electorates and we owe it to them to expose such heinous crime against them and democracy.

Rt Anayo Nnebe has notoriourity in spurning other people's victory and work, making other people's sweat his and claiming their glory.

He did that in 2015 under PDP when he brazenly stole Chief Hon. Godson Ezenagu's mandate and he is currently hoping to repeat that in APGA.

APGA made the biggest mistake of entrusting its party ticket to a crook, who neither have the character or the people's support to deliver.

We strongly advise the Constituents, most importantly the good people of Awka North to be weary over their dealing with such a representative who come like a thief in the night to reap where he did not sow.

The good people of Awka North and South must be commended for outrightly rejecting Anayo Nnebe, based on his past notorious activities and his unbearable attitude.

The pendulum has shifted and the people have not forgotten Chief Godson Ezenagu (Ochendo) patience in the face of the wanton injustice melted against. This time, they will compensate him for his steadfastness and commitment to the Awka North and South project by giving sympathy votes across board.

We shall not stop at exposing Anayo Nnebe and any attempt to rig the election the same way he did in 2015 will be strongly countered by the people.

We say enough is enough...we say, laying claim to other people's project must stop...we must bridge the political dichotomy between Awka North and South by allowing a candidate from Awka North to take a shot at the green chamber.

We therefore, call on Anayo Nnebe to apologies to the good people of Awka North and South, for the many lies and false claims.

His time is up. Awka North and South is moving ahead with OCHENDO.*_

*Michael Okafor*
_Writes from Abuja_
_*For accountability and equity*_

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