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Anambra elders consultative assembly for good leadership have come out to say they will vote and support any candidate that is cencerly and committed in granting Ndigbo their fair share of national development an equitable appointment in government and parastatals who will restructure this country.

The elders In their different speeches adopted that the only option for Nigeria is for it to be restructured. These consensus was made at the inauguration of its executive recently at Awka the state capital.

Chairman of the occasion Senator (Dr) Ebenezer Ikeyina in his opening address expressed satisfaction on the organizers of the event stating that it is coming at the right time especially as Nigeria approach the general election.

"We are asking for peace and tranquility in Nigeria.

He frowned at the way Ndigbo is being marginalised. We will be considered as failures both as parents and as leaders if we do not fight for our rights.

Bishop Ezedebego Moses Chairman, Anambra Elders consultative assembly for good leadership in his remark said "Before the birth of the associate, many have been clamouring for a platform to which they can express their opinion towards good leadership in Nigeria.

'This therefor is an answered prayer and we will take advantage of these precious opportunity to better the lives of our people.

'As elders, it is our duty to  ensure equity and peace. We are urging relevant authorities to provide a level playing ground for all both at national and state level.

"Our mission is to promote and protect the interest of our people that's why we encourage tolerance and respect for all religious and ethnic nationalities.

Ezedebego praised and Board of Trustees (BOT) and all those who in one way or the other contribute meaningfully towards ensuring good leadership in our nation.

He urged the executive to apply the spirit of team work and commitment to the vision and objectives. He reminded all Christians on the on the need to be prayerful which will assist in achieving the purpose.

Bishop  Moses urged members to do the needful. "if you are having any issues collecting your PVC,  inform us. He also disclosed to members that the organization has been included as observers in the coming election.

Guest speaker Bishop William Okoye while speaking said this movement is to influence our society. He emphased on the need  for all to be guilded with the spirit of the golden rule of Matthew 7:12. "Do unto others what you want others to do unto you".

"The Christian faith has equity, justice and fairness as its core values. We are religious but not Godly. It is ungodly to conderm others actions while you are doing the same.

'The only way to succeed in these mission is to be united. We are fighting what is wrong so that when we enter we will do the right thing. Most of our leaders are terrible. They tell one thing and do the other. Let it not be that when we get into the system we become worse.

"Righteousness exalt a nation but sin is a reproach. We must be involved in politics. For the first time Christan Association of Nigeria (CAN) is now fully involved. INEC has accrediteted CAN to be involved in the election.

Okoye, cautioned the congregation to be awear of politicians who come to church to bargain for positions. This time we are saying no.

"The power is in your hands. We will not allow certain things to continue any longer. We will not tolerate marginalization. Our interest should not be undermined.

Anambra elders consultative assembly for good leadership is not a political group,  not a pressure group and not a church group but has its alms and objectives clear stated.

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