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Chief Godson Ezenagu, Ochendo* is an institution in Awka North and South. Ochendo stronghold in Awka North and South is basically among the voting populace, the locals, the market women, the artisans and the farmers.

He is more closer and relate better with these group of persons, who interestingly are the real determinant of who wins in a free and fair election.

The Awka North and South Federal House of Representative election, which will be holding in a couple of days, parades three Candidates who are so eager to emerge winner, in what every political analyst sees as a tight contest.

Two out of the three Candidates, *Rt Hon. Anayo Nnebe of APGA and Hon. Samuel Onwuaso of PDP*, are from Awka South LGA.

Interestingly, it worthy to note that there is a history surrounding the two Local Government Areas, that made up the Federal Constituency, as far as legislation is concern. And these LGA's will also play a vital role in deciding who eventually represents the good people of Awka North and South at the green chamber.

Awka South, since the dawn of democracy in 1999, that is 20 years today, had taken up 16 years of the legislative opportunity at the House of Rep. And these 16 years, had seen only Legislator from Awka town take up that position. Within Awka South, we also have Okpuno and Obizi, but only Awka produced the 4 Legislators from Awka South. And yet sadly, the PDP and APGA candidates are also both from Awka town.

Today, Obizi and Okpuno are saying enough is enough, we are part of the project.

Chief Hon. Godson Ezenagu, Ochendo, on the other hand, is the Candidate of Social Democratic Party, SDP, and he's from Awka North, the other Local Government Area, that has taken just a paltry 4 years out of the 20 years.

In 2015, Ochendo was APGA's Candidate, he won the election but was rigged out by the PDP's Candidate then, Anayo Nnebe, who in a bizarre twist is the sitting Legislator and the candidate of APGA for this year general election.

Ochendo in this election has a greater chance of winning because Awka North has agreed not to vote for any candidate outside the LGA, Obizi and Okpuno, on the other hand, have decided to pitch their tent with Ochendo because an alliance with Awka North will aid their own quest in the foreseeable future.

It is difficult not to see Ochendo winning based on this premise.

Another winning possibility for Ochendo, is the obvious fact that sitting Legislator, Anayo Nnebe has performed woefully by all standard.

The best way to access Nnebe is to compare him with some of colleagues at the green chamber. Few of the House Rep Members to compare Nnebe with are; Ferdinand Dozie Nwankwo of Dunukofia/Njikoka/Anaocha Federal Constituency and Hon. Chris Azubogu of Nnewi North/South/Ekwusigo Federal Constituency. One will notice why Nnebe is considered a collosal failure by all standard.

It is such a disgrace that a 21st century Legislator will brag about building borehole as Constituency Project. These and more reason why Ochendo is considered as a more viable option.

Speaking of the PDP Candidate, Samuel Onwuaso is a political neophyte who has no political clout, no exceptional antecedents, before he was hand picked by his godfather, Chief Ndubuisi Nwobu, Caretaker Chairman of PDP in Anambra State and the owner of Geogold Hotels.

Ever since his emergence, he has remained a stooge with no say of his own. Such a person can't be entrusted with the leadership of Awka North and South because his action will always be controlled by his godfather. And ndi Anambra have gone beyond godfatherism and we want no such thing in Awka North and South.

So, Onwuaso, it is believe is just out to make up the number and probably turn out as the spoiler. Which ever way, is only selling point is that he is PDP, besides that he has nothing new or better to offer. State House of Assembly would have been a much better start for him.

*Tell me, why wouldn't it be Ochendo?*

Ochendo suddenly has changed the narrative of electioneering so far. It has become a case of voting individuals rather than party in Awka North and South.

Videos and images have all emerge of groups, communities endorsing Chief Godson Ezenagu of SDP.

The Hausa Community in Awka North and South are strongly behind him, the Igala and other non-indigenes Communities are rooting for him, Obizi people are publicly declaring for him, and ndi Okpuno are saying it is Ochendo or no other.

The student bodies, market women, artisans, keke riders, shuttle and bus drivers are ready to vote for him massively and deliver him.

It will be difficult to defeat Ochendo in Awka North and South, because he is an honest, humble and God fearing visionary leader.

He has no blemishes, no questionable character  and he stands out, miles away, from other Candidates.

A successful business man of repute, a seasoned administrator, a philanthropist per excellence and a man of proven integrity.

*Dear electorates why wouldn't it be Ochendo?*

A grass root mobilizer of no match. Before he was wrongly pushed out of APGA in 2018, he was one of APGA's strongest financier since 2003. A man that is committed to human capital development and have special passion for the unemployed youths, the less privileged, the indigent students, the widows , the needy and the physically challenged.

His representation would herald a new beginning in the history of representation of the constituent at the lower chamber of the National Assembly.

It is on this note, that i humbly appeal to the voters. You voted for Ochendo in 2015 and he won, defeating the illegal incumbent Nnebe. We can do it again. Let's allow the general interest of ndi Awka North and South reflect in February 16 general election.

*VOTE for Ochendo... VOTE for SDP

*Michael Okafor*
_*Writes from Abuja*_

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