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Nigeria And State Of Insecurity

We cannot stop criminal activities in this country if the masterminds and sponsors don't face capital punishment!

We must make these activities too costly for the perpetrators and their backers. If you deal only with the perpetrators without the backers, you have not solved any problem.

I make bold to say that our security forces have information of the brains behind these criminal activities but for strange reasons decide to play safe.

If we continue to play safe, we may wake up one day to realize that our country has been run aground by criminals. Don't enable criminal activities by claiming that these criminals are ours and therefore should be protected and those criminals are theirs and therefore should be decimated.

Banditry in Zamfara, bank robbery in Ondo, both leaving death, sorrows and tears on their trail. We pampered Boko haram until they grew into hydra-headed monsters. We politicized herdsmen, and they are currently gaining prominence. And now, banditry on our highways in the northern axis.

I rather we had proactive security forces that would forestall these menace than have reactionary ones that would move in after the damage had been done. We can't keep on applying same security measures in an ever evolving and mutating security challenges.

To stop crime, the security forces must be some steps ahead of the criminals. They may be doing their best so far but their best is obviously not good enough!!! Let the blood stop flowing. Simple!

Ekwenugo Stephen
8th April, 2019.

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