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PANDEF drums support for restructuring of Nigeria

The Pan Niger Delta Forum (PANDEF) has once again called for the restructuring of Nigeria.

According to the group, revolution is gradually taking place in the Niger Delta region of the country, thus, making Nigeria not standing well.
Speaking at the inauguration of Cross River State chapter of PANDEF in Calabar on Thursday, PANDEF National Chairman, Air Cmdr Idongesit Nkanga, regretted that the non restructuring of the country up till date.
He said Nigeria must be restructured so that the Niger Delta can have a say in Nigeria as the nation was not standing well because “we cannot have first class citizen living in a second class economy.
“All our citizens must have equal opportunities, what is obtainable in other climes must be applied as people are revolting over old ways of doing things.
“Niger Delta is a land of peace and our language is one because we speak in one voice, which is to ensure that peace is sustained in a bid to complement government effort and in a bid to bring growth and development to the people.
“Revolution is taking place in the Niger Delta and Cross River State cannot afford to be asleep, for instance, the Bakassi issue is still in the front burner, ours is to advocate while government is to implement.
“We are economically, socially marginalised, our region is dying, we need urban renewal in the Niger Delta, and we need it now, you cannot be a first class citizen and live in a second class economy,” he said.
Also speaking, the Amb. Nkoyo Toyo, decried the plight of Bakassi people, urging PANDEF to take the bull by its horn as the region had been completely neglected adding that there was a rise in the number internally displaced people in the Niger Delta.
“I call on PANDEF to take the bull by its horn, our region is almost dead, cities like Port-Harcourt needs re- urbanisation, IDPs are on the rise especially from Cameroon, and we need to look into it as soon as possible.
The former Deputy Governor of Cross River, Effiok Cobham, on his part tasked PANDEF to make sure those ex-agitators who have acquired different degrees must be absorbed into the Nigerian system.
Without this group of people having a place to showcase and practice, what they have learned in various institutions then their training has no use, they must be gainfully employed and engaged to contribute their quota to nation building,” he stated.


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