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Why released of Madonna students were detained for long - Barr. Jimeh

Detained Madonna Students Finally Released-Barr.Jimeh 

Finally, the detained students of Madonna University, Okija, Anambra state have been granted bail. The students who have been in detention since January 2019 for an opinion they posted on Facebook and social media was considered inimical to the University by the management regained freedom on Wednesday July 3rd

In a resumed hearing after three adjournment as a result of justice  Babatunde Quadri the presiding judge absence, the case continued  held the presiding judge ordered for their release on a new conditions of bail.

Barrister Vitalis .I. Jimeh the lawyer representing one of the detained student of case number FHC/AWK C/02/2019-03/2019  (Prince Anthony Ezeemmo) the first  defendant was admitted to bail three months ago but the conditions specified by the court was such that could not be easily meet.

According to Jimeh " They were all required to produce two sureties each who must be a civil servant.

"The produced civil servant is required to produce a letter of identification from the permanent secretary in charge of his ministry. That was the most difficult huddle to cross in perfecting their bail. Jimeh explained.

"Further more, the persecutor is required to go and confirm the sureties. He was reluctant to do so for reasons best known to him. It was difficult to get him do that most of the time. Jimeh wondered

" All these factors necessitated the long stay in custody of Anthony Ezeemmo and others

"As lawyers we had to file a motion for variation were we explained to the court the difficulties we are having in perfecting their bail previously given.

" After several days of coming to court without success, that motion will be signed today.

The court in its magnanimity varied the conditions to the effect that the civil servant need not produce a letter from the permanent secretary anymore and also the address need not be verified by the persecutor so that the defendant can be quickly released on bail before the court vacation.

Graciously also, the court ordered for the release of the defendant and gave them two months within which the conditions of their bail must be meet except the once involving the letter from the permanent secretary and the verification of their addresses.

In showing appreciation to the court, Jimeh the lawyer to the defendant said "It is a very Libra conditions. We are grateful to the court and are happy that the defendant has been released finally.

Debunking the assertions that the students were detained intentionally, Jimeh said "despite the recent happenings at the Judiciary, judges are respectable and honourable people who are sworn and guided by certain oath before assuming office.

He however advised the public to stop assertions that judges are being compromised. In his words "I strongly believe in the impartiality of the Judiciary. I have confidence that justice will be done at the end of the day.

On the absence of the judges in the cause of the case, Jimeh explained saying ' As also explained by the judge in the court, he has other cases in Jos and Gombe that he was handling before been transfered to Awka, Anambra State and if the functions of his duties do not permit him to come to court on a particular day, its not enough reasons for people to start making interpretation that are not right.

Another Lawyer representing one of the released students in an interview with Journalist said "Sadly, some of the parents of the detained boys have died as a result of the detention of the boys. At list they can now smile in their graves that the boys are going home.

The case has been adjoined till October 7th for continuation (Trial)


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