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Beverage drinks increase death risks – Researchers

Experts have revealed that beverage drinks are increasingly causing deaths. According to findings, published in JAMA Internal Medicine journal, artificially sweetened drinks, more popularly known as ‘soft drinks’ or ‘minerals’ in Nigeria are asertained killers though they are certified for consumption.

By Chuka Nnabuife

The new research team led by Neil Murphy, Ph.D., of the International Agency for Research on Cancer discovered that increased consumption of soft drinks – both containing sugar and artificially sweetened (soda) – linked to an increased risk of death in a sample study of 452,000 people in 10 European countries.

Deemed the largest scope of scientific study to have examined the link between soda and death, the study team which comprised 50 researchers (all co-authors of the report) found that intake of about two glasses of such beverage drinks a day opens one to a very high risk of death from several ailments which is not the case with people who drank less than one glass.
Not only was the beverage drinks linked to an increased risk of death, it was also associated to a variety of diseases.
The study found a difference in the form of diseases among those who drank sugar beverages or beverages that were artificially sweetened and those who do not. For example, a higher risk of death from circulatory diseases was found to be connected to drinking two or more glasses of artificially sweetened soft drinks daily.
Increased risk of death from digestive diseases was also associated to drinking one or more glass daily of such sugar-sweetened cups. Same brews were linked to risks of death from Parkinson’s disease.
The researchers used data, including soft drink consumption rosters, collected on food questionnaires and interviews from 1992 to 2000. The researchers followed up with the participants an average of 16 years later. Study participants were drawn from United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Spain, and Sweden.

Findings from the study tend to corroborate earlier publication by Harvard-based researchers in the journal, Circulation. In the Harvard report, it was reprted that people who drink two or more sugar-sweetened drinks a day – whether it’s a soda, a sports drink, or any other sweet beverage – have 31 per cent higher risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease than others who do not.
American Heart Association reports that sweetened drinks are the biggest source of added sugar in Americans’ diets. Sources say the nutritional habit is the trend in many countries comprising Nigeria with the likelihood of higher rate of such consumption in tropical areas where dehydration rate is high.


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