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Xenophobia: Dear South Africa, do you see the shame you bring upon Africa? - Ufuoma McDermott writes

Ufuoma McDermott reeled out her pain as she condemned the xenophobic attacks launched by citizens of South Africa against foreigners especially Nigerians.

In an Instagram post addressed to South Africans, the Nollywood actress stated that South Africans are bringing shame upon Africa with their misplaced anger. Also pointing out that South Africans own some of the biggest businesses in Nigeria, Ufuoma added that no Nigerian have been seen burning it down.

She implored the Nigerian government to take up the diplomacy of retaliation which according to her, is still diplomacy. Ufuoma wrote;

Dear South Africa,
Do you see the shame you bring upon Africa? Do you see how you let the western media report news on our issues?
Why have you let a few lazy and emotionally twisted natives define you as a nation?

What ever happened dear South Africa? What happened to the love for Africans by Africans? What happened to the time Africa and indeed Nigeria fought for your freedom from the shackles of apartheid?
Why do you hate any African who thrives and succeeds on your soil? You do not treat others this way... only Africans. Others are allowed to come set up big factories or stores and thrive but not Africans and definitely not Nigerians.

South Africa has some of the biggest businesses in Nigeria today. They are secure... I don't see anyone killing them or burning their businesses.
We have come a long way as Africans. It is time to employ EVERY MEANS to rid our hearts of self hate: at this point, ANY MEANS will do. I implore the Nigerian Government to wake up! Diplomacy of retaliation is still diplomacy after all.


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