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Anambra lawmaker frowns at addiction of gambling by youths

By: Ifeanyi  Okonkwo

 Member representing Njikoka 2 constituency at the Anambra State House of Assembly and d Cairman House Committee of Local Government and chieftaincy affairs, Pete Chima Ibida has express dissatisfaction and frowned at the addiction of youths towards gambling. “It is very disheartening, Students eat their school fees, house rent. Many husbands now use their salaries in betting. This act is irresponsibility.

Ibidia who spoke extensively in “Nzuko-ndi-Anambra” a radio programme at Anambra Broadcating Service said gambling should only be done once in a while for fun but will be disastrous and detrimental when it becomes a habit. According to the lawmaker “A gambler is a deviant. They need rehabilitation and social orientation. They need to see a psychiatric. The media has a lot to do in other to curb these menace”.

Reacting to questions from listeners who called into the programme especially as regards to measures the state assembly will take towards checkmating bet in the State, Ibida said “According to the law guiding legislators, there are limitations to  the  laws the state assembly can gopass. This is a national matter because it is all over the federation; the Upper chambers are the right people to set the ball rolling.

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