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Kevin Hart's escaped death

The cause of U.S. actor and comedian, Kevin Hart's car crash, which had him undergo surgery weeks ago, has been revealed.

 According to the California Highway Patrol, which has just completed its report on the accident, the car crash was caused by the driver operating the vehicle in a reckless fashion.

According to the crash report obtained by TMZ, Kevin's 1970 Plymouth Barracuda crashed because driver Jared Black gunned the engine and lost control. The sudden acceleration and loss of control caused the vehicle to go into a spin and it ended up crashing through a fence and into an embankment.
The report also states that the vehicle did not have any mechanical issues. It was purely driver error.

Also, none of the 3 people in the car were wearing seat belts.

  "There were fold and crease marks on the belt surfaces consistent with being folded and tucked into the seats and no indicators of occupant loading were present."

 Cops say even if the belts were worn at the time of the crash, "they were being worn improperly due to excessive slack in the belts."

 The report details Kevin leaving the scene after the accident while Jared Black and his fiancee Rebecca Broxterman remained trapped.
The report says Rebecca Broxterman was pinned between the top of the right passenger seat and the collapsed roof of the vehicle, with her head facing the windshield. The report also notes the car was, "not outfitted to carry rear seat passengers."


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