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Obiano's Silence in the face of needless Attacks and Insults on the Internet ... A model for all leaders!

It's a common knowledge that the Governor of Anambra State, Chief Willie Obiano has received libelous attacks and insults from miscreants on the internet sponsored by the opposition more than any other Governor in Nigeria.

Another glaring fact is that the Governor is the country's number one leader in tolerance as he has never replied any of such senseless attacks nor thought of taking any action towards arresting or harassing the misguided characters who engage in such dirty jobs.

Just recently, Ngige Nwachukwu, a leading opposition voice in Anambra declared that "Obiano deserves accolades, his civilty & tolerance are examplary"

Speaking through Facebook, Ngige posted "But give it to the Governor of Anambra State, His Excellency, Willie Obiano. His civility and tolerance are exemplary. With all the scathing criticisms, truths and half truths published about him, especially in the social media, no one journalist or citizen reporter has been threatened or harassed even remotely  on his behalf. Ask Jalingo Agba in Cross River, Stephen Kefas in Kaduna, Joseph Israel in Taraba and others,  unreported. Keep it up"

This is a rare obtainment in Nigeria politicosphere and beyond. This should be a behavioral model for every other leader in Nigeria cum Africa.

The most interesting part of the "Obiano Attitude" is that the sponsored attacks and concocted lies have never distracted the governor's determination to lead his people to a greater Anambra State.

Understanding that his laudable achievements anger the opposition making them bankroll malicious media campaign against him and his family; Gov Obiano has continued to deliver on his promises, changing the narratives for ndị Anambra and expanding the frontiers of excellence.

While we commend the Governor for such a noble attitude, it's pertinent to caution the young persons being used by the obviously frustrated opposition to carry out these assaults on the person of Chief Willie Obiano, his family and the government of Anambra State to wise up.

Criticism is acceptable in public administration; it helps in nation building when constructive but insult is not criticism.

Engr Ifeanyi ANIAGOH
Abagana, Anambra State

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