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Lantern season is a period of reparation --- Catholic clargy By: Ifeanyi Okonkwo

Catholics in Nigeria on Wednesday join their counterparts worldwide to mark this year's Ash Wednesday.

This day marks the beginning of lent and a period during which Christians are encouraged to intensify prayers, practice abstainance, fast and engage in almsgiving for 40 days

Rev. Fr.Everistus Oromah Vicer St. Joseph the worker Champlency Nnamdi Azikewe University (Unizik) campus in his homily urged Catholics to utilize this period as it is the best time to return to God.

He further added saying all Catholics within the age bracket of 16 - 60 years are expected to fast today unless if on medication or sick.

"Christians should abstain from those things that separates them from God emphasising that it's a period of self denial from worldly pleasures.

On the significant of the ashes on the forehead he  said "It is a reminder that we are all dust and will return to dust someday.

He encouraged the congregation to participate fully at the activities of the church during this stating that I will be the only reason they will appreciate the season of easter.

He called on the faithfuls to be conscious of the three pillers of lent which are fasting, alms giving and prayers.

He concluded through advising the church to repent from their sins and believe the gospel

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