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AMANSEA WOMEN ENDS AUGUST MEETING ADMIST CELEBRATION …Cleric urges mothers to be role models to their family,society BY: Ifeanyi Okonkwo

The catholic women organization St Anthony’s parish Amansea just like every other Igbo   women, the world over, come out in their numbers  in order to unite with their counterparts for their Annual August Meeting in order to brainstorm on how to contribute to community development projects in their towns and how best to generate funds for the execution of such projects.

The role of woman in nation building cannot be overlooked. It is very important for women to make their voices heard like never before, especially now that the current situation in the country needs to be addressed extensively. The killings have become excessive and unnecessary; the economic situation has long taken a downhill plunge and Nigerians are groaning under its weight; the herdsmen scourge seems to be on the increase, as well as the spate of innocent people being kidnapped and killed by Fulani Herdsmen. Cultism, suicide amongst others ill has befall our society. Proffering solutions to solving them is expected from these great idols in the society.

At the closing ceremony of the meeting which lasted for seven days with the theme “Women as a channel of blessing”. Commenced with a thanksgiving mass at St Anthony’s parish Amanseas. President (CWO)  of the parish, Mrs. Cordelier Obi, in an interview with our reporter said “The essence of these gathering every year is for us to share experiences, challenges and learn from what we don’t know from public speakers and amongst our members who to talk to us. 

“Parts of the areas concentrated this year are on divorce, which was discouraged. We were advised to be more tolerant with our husband. Parental up-bringing, how to be good wives, great mothers and proper training of our children was also emphases. We were also charged to mentor our children through discouraging them from engaging in cultism, hooliganism and other ills. 

“We were called to lead our children to Christ and to motivate them to join societies in the church which will help in molding them and making them good citizens of this country. The significant of these gathering is too numerous to mention. 

Parish Priest St. Anthony Parish Amansea Rev. Fr. Sylvester Dunu in his homily called on mothers to always pray for their family and also imbibe the culture of always blessing their children emphasizing that there is power in the tongue. As channel of blessings, set your children free with your words. Utilize the powers you have. He charged them. 

 In an interview, the catholic priest added saying “ woman are a channel of blessing in the family and society as a while. We came to life through our mothers. As a channel of blessing, they need to be holy and avoid certain things”. Fr. Sylvester used the mother of Gideon and Ana the mother of Samuel as an example as the two women were asked to abstain from alcohol so that they will not stop the blessings of God for their children. 

“Women should be ready always to be used as an instrument by God. It is important that women meet once in a while. When they gather, they discuss their family experience and the best way to train their children. They also learn better ways to relate with their husband and also help the church through their support both spiritually and financially. It’s an avenue for them to socialize and interact and know each other better. Experts come to advise them on how to take proper care of themselves and their family”. He concluded 

One of the parishioners who do not want his name mentioned said “These August Meetings are centered on finding ways to make women become better people, both on the home front and in their immediate society.  There was however a period when the August Meetings began to send wrong signals to society as women began to see them as avenues to show off their expensive clothing and jewelers, and even began to attach materialistic tendencies to their meetings. These gathering are not just purpose driven, but also, a symbol of the strength of the womenfolk in both the traditional society and the Church where fundraising and execution of major projects are handled by them”.

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