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Anambra lawmakers clamors for Indigenous cattle farming (EFI-IGBO) BY: Ifeanyi Okonkwo

The seventh Assembly, Anambra state legislators has called on Governor Willie Obiano to direct the commissioner for Agriculture to come up with policies and establish structures that will promote indigenous beef farming “Efi-Igbo” in the state.

Chief sponsor of the motion member representing Aguata 1 constituency, Carter Nnamdi Umeh moved the motion and was seconded by member representing Anambra East Obinna Chris Emeneka. The motion was co-sponsored with eleven other lawmakers. 

Leading the debate, Umeh while throwing through more light stated that” Cows/cattle are very useful domestic animals, raised as dairy animals for milk and other dairy products and used for labour connected with agriculture, irrigation and carting. If the Igbo system embraced the introduction of beef cattle “Efi-Igbo” hundred years ago and encourage farmers to select only indigenous breeds, today, we could boasted of the finest ecologically sustainable breed production system in the world.

“With the appropriate encouragement from the government, Ndi-Igbo can engage in profitable animal husbandry especially the cattle stock (Efi-igbo) which can satisfy our local meat consumption and even have excess for consumption. If Ndi-Igbo continue to patronize and eat cow from other sources other than theirs and the risks involved in the former, Efi-Igbo may eventually go in extinction. 

Throwing more light on the motion, Umeh recalled the flagging off of the 2019 Anambra State farming season July 2nd which was declared open by the Governor of Anambra State Willie Obian which witnessed as exhibition of Anambra cattle. In his words “Many people have not believe that Anambra farmers could produce such and it is still a topic of debat to many.

“I visited the farm were that Efi-Igbo was breed .A ranching that was well structured and owned by an illustrious son of Anambra State. We are known with Efi-Igbo. A very sweet meat whose milk is medicinal. Policies like establishing animal house boundary should be established throughout the twenty one local government of the State; it will create job opportunities for the youths of Ndi-Anambra and also motivate them to go into agriculture. If we could produce Anambra rice, we could also produce Anambra cow. It will increase the revenue of the state.    

Speaking in support of the motion, the legislators expressed optimism emphasizing that if the commissioner of Agriculture comes up with policies and establish structures that will promote the indigenous beef cattle farming “Efi-Igbo”, it has the potential of attracting massive revenue and other benefit in the state.

Member representing Njikoka 1 constituency, Tim Ifedioramma in his submission said “This motion calls for urgent attention. It is time we begin to support our own both indigenous and cultural. The need for us to look inward is very critical and timely. If there are good policies with an enabling environment, a lot of Ndi-Anambra will take up the opportunity. This move will spare up other neighboring sister states to follow suit. 

Member representing Anambra, East Obinna Chris Emeneka, on his part added saying “this is coming at a time agriculture is a priority in this present administration ably led by Governor Willie Obiano. This motion is in line with the objectives of the Anambra state and will have the backing of the executives. 

Deputy Minority leader, Member representing Anaocha1 constituency Ebele Ejiofor and member representing Anaocha 2 constituency Ejike Okechukwu submitted saying “If this dream sees the light of the day, Anambra State will be the first state in the south-east to begin the mass production of Efi-Igbo. An average Anambra man is enterprising. Always eager to move. We are best among equal. All we need is an enabling environment. In few years the entire Anambra will be full with Efi-Igbo for consumption and export.

Member representing Ihiala1 constituency, Chidi Udemadu, Member representing Awka North, John Nwaokoye (Chairman house committee on Agriculture), Member representing Oyi constituency, Obimma Charles and Orumba South representative, Emmanual Nwafor on their part Supported saying “This is a good assemble of think home philosophy ably encouraged by these present administration led by Governor Willie Obiano. It will bring about the standard way of ranching. It will put to an end indiscriminant movement of cows and curtail damages of farmland. We need to be independent both in food and meat categories. Agriculture is the highest employer of labour.

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